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DEMOCRATIC PROCESS AND PRACTICES The concept and its historical development of democracy. a) Explain the concept and historical development of democracy.
b) Analyze the process of democratization in Tanzania.
DEMOCRATIC PROCESS AND PRACTICES The Role of Government in the Democratic Process a) Assess the role of the government in the democratic process.
b) Explain the role of local government in enhancing democracy in the country
c) Discuss the effects of abuse of power in a democratic society
DEMOCRATIC PROCESS AND PRACTICES The Role and Responsibilities of Individual citizens and Civil Society Organisations in a Democratic Society a) Identify the roles and responsibilities of individual citizens in a democratic society.
b) Explain the importance of each citizen playing his/her role and fulfilling his/her responsibilities in a democratic society.
c) investigate the effects of neglecting individual roles and responsibilities in a democratic society.
d) Discuss the role and of the community basic organisations contribution (CSO) in the development and maintenance of a democratic society.
DEMOCRATIC PROCESS AND PRACTICES The Role and Responsibilities of Individual citizens and Civil Society Organisations in a Democratic Society a) Identify the roles and responsibilities of individual citizens in a democratic society.
b) Explain the importance of each citizen playing his/her role and fulfilling his/her responsibilities in a democratic society.
c) investigate the effects of neglecting individual roles and responsibilities in a democratic society.
d) Discuss the role and of the community basic organisations contribution (CSO) in the development and maintenance of a democratic society.
DEMOCRATIC PROCESS AND PRACTICES The Practice of Human Rights in Tanzania. a) Explain the development of human rights in Tanzania.
b) Examine the role of individuals and government in enhancing human rights in Tanzania.
.c) Discuss the role and contribution of civil society organisations in the development and protection of human rights in Tanzania.

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